Text Box:

Multidisciplinary Scientific and Technological Research Institute


“Dumitru Stăniloae” Scientific and Interdisciplinary Research Center
“Valahia” University, Târgoviște

Blvd. Carol I, Nr. 2, 130 024 Târgoviște, Dâmbovița County


Telephone number: 0744613613, 0721337399, 0755619619


Email: dumitrustaniloaetgv@yahoo.ro, anghelescug@gmail.com, anghelescug@yahoo.com



Presentation of the “Dumitru Stăniloae” Scientific and Interdisciplinary Research Center

ofValahia” University, Târgoviște



The “Dumitru StăniloaeScientific and Interdisciplinary Research Center of “Valahia” University of Târgoviște (CCSIDSUVT) was created following a University Senate decision in the year 2010. Director: Univ. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, Honorary Director: Acad. Univ. Prof. Dr. Radu Ștefan Vergatti, Scientific Secretary: Univ. Reader Dr. Ileana Tănase.


Number of permanent members: 25 academics, 5 students and 3 collaborators.


CCSIDSUVT has the following general research domains: theology, arts, humanities and social sciences, more precisely, the disciplines: theology, arts, history, philology, philosophy-communication, sociology - social care, psychology, pedagogy.

 The central topic orienting the research in CCSIDSUVT is: “adaptation, creativity and reflexivity in the context of the social, religious, cultural, economic and political changes of the post-modernity”.

 The mission of CCSIDSUVT is to stimulate the interdisciplinary scientific research in the above-mentioned domains and regarding the topic chosen, using the skills and experience of the specialists of “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, and of other university centers of Romania, contributing to the training of the young researchers (doctoral, masteral and bachelor students).

The objectives of CCSIDSUVT are:

- to develop interdisciplinary scientific research strategies in the domains: theology, arts, humanities and social sciences;

- to shape and develop the scientific research skills of the academics and of the bachelor, masteral and doctoral students in interdisciplinary scientific research in the above-mentioned domains;

- to elaborate and submit research projects/programs on topics in the area of the sub-domains mentioned above;

-to disseminate, nationally and internationally, the results of the scientific projects and programs realized by CCSIDSUVT.

In order to realize these objectives, different activities are carried out, which are included in the “Annual Research Plan of CCSIDSUVT”.

Scientific connections to other centers or research organizations in Romania and/or abroad:


- CCSIDSUVT declares its openness to scientific collaborations with all the similar units in Romania and abroad, based on bilateral agreements/partnerships or within the framework of national or international programs.

- CCSIDSUVT functions in permanent partnership with the non-governmental organization PRO AXE MUNDI Ecumenical Foundation, with its headquarters in Bucharest. 

- CCSIDSUVT, through the above-mentioned foundation is logistically supported and promoted in the media by the News Agency “Lăcașuri Ortodoxe” (Orthodox Places of Worship) in Bucharest.

- CCSIDSUVT has a continual partnership and experience exchange with the research centers of the domains Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences of “Ovidius” University, Constanța, seeing that there is a scientific and teaching collaboration protocol between the two Romanian universities.


The main scientific events organized so far by CCSIDSUVT are:


- National Conference: Distrugerea elitelor naționale în fostele țări comuniste /The Destruction of the National Elites in the Former Communist Countries, Constanța, 13 May 2010;

- National Conference: Masacrele de la Katyn /The Massacres of Katyn, Târgoviște, 20 May 2010;

- National Conference: Mănăstirea Văcărești. Centru de Cultură și Spiritualitate pentru Europa de Sud-Est / Văcăreşti Monastery. A Center of Culture and Spirituality for South-East Europe, Bucharest, 14 March 2010;

- National Conference: 130 de ani de la declararea Regatului României și a Unirii României cu Ţara Mamă. 10 Mai 1881-10 Mai 2011 / 130 Years since the Declaration of the Romanian Kingdom and the Union between Romania and Its Motherland. 10 May 1881-10 May 2011, Târgoviște, 9 May 2011;

- National Conference: Dimitrie Cantemir – savant de dimensiune europeană. 300 de ani de la plecarea din domnie / Dimitrie Cantemir – an Erudite of European Dimensions. 300 Years Since the End of His Reign, Târgoviște, 10 November 2011; Bucharest, 22 November 2011;

- Univ. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe F. Anghelescu and Doctoral Student Cristian Untea, Father Dumitru Stăniloae – a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics. Bio-bibliography, book launch in Greek [Ο πατέρας Δημήτριος Στανιλοάε – ένας άξιος διάδοχος της κλασικής πατερικής γραμματείας (Βίο‑βιβλιογραφία), Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest], 2011 and Russian [Святой отец Думитру Стэнилоаедостойный наследник класической патристики (Био-библиография), Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2011], Bucharest, 15 November 2011:

- National Conference: Basarabiatrecutprezentviitor / Bessarabia – Past, Present, Future, Târgoviște, 22 Mai 2012; Constanța, 29 March 2012;

- National Conference: Pentru o strategie județeană de punere în valoare a obiectivelor culturale și naturale din județul Dâmbovița / For a County Strategy Meant to Profitably Use the Cultural and Natural Values of Dâmboviţa County, Târgoviște, 4 April 2012;

- National Conference: John Steinbeck – laureat al Premiului Nobel. Omul, Faptele și Opera / John Steinbeck, a Nobel Prize Laureate. The Man, His Acts and His Work, Târgoviște, 8 May 2012;

- ***România 1945-1989. Enciclopedia Regimului Comunist. Represiunea, tomul I: A-E / Romania 1945-1989. Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. The Repression, tome I: A-E, a work appeared under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, coordinator Octavian Roske, Foreword by Radu Ciuceanu, Preface by Octavian Roske, The National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism, Bucharest, 2011, book launch, Târgoviște, 8 May 2012; Constanța, 15 May 2012);

- National Conference: Cartea și tiparul românesc în Evul Mediu / The Romanian Book and Printing Press during the Middle Ages, Târgoviște, 23 November 2012;

- National Conference: Cele zece porunci din perspectivă interdisciplinară / The Ten Commandments from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, Târgoviște, 10 April 2013;

- National Conference: 100 de ani de la Pacea din București (28 Iulie/10 August 1913) / 100 Years since the Peace of Bucharest (28 July / 10 August 1913), Constanța, 15 May 2013;

- National Seminar: Parteneriatul Stat-Biserică-Societate în România. Misiunea socială a Bisericii astăzi / The State-Church Partnership in Romania. The Social Mission of the Church Today, Sinaia, 5-7 June 2013;

- Prof.Univ.Dr. Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, Father Dumitru Stăniloae – a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics. Bio-bibliography, book launch in Italian [Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, un valoroso discepolo della Patristica Classica (Bio-Bibliografia), Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013], Spanish [El Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, un digno discípulo de la patrística clásica (Bio-Bibliografia), Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013] and Portuguese [O Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, Un discípulo digno de la patrística clássica (Bio-Bibliografia), Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013], Constanța, 21 November 2013; Bucharest, 27 November 2013; Sibiu, December 2013; Târgoviște, 12 December 2013;

- National Conference: Semnificația informației în viața politico-diplomatică și publică. Administratorul informației în România ultimului secol (1914-2014) / The Significance of Information in the Politico-Diplomatic and Public Life. The Information Administrator of the Romania of the Last Century, Bucharest, 11 March 2014;

- National Conference: Valoarea culturii și spiritualității românești din epoca domnului Constantin Brâncoveanu pentru istoria națională. 300 de ani de la martiriul unui Sfânt român (15 August 1714 – 15 August 2014) / The Value of the Romanian Culture and Spirituality of Constantin Brâncoveanu’s Epoch for the National History. 300 Years Since the Martyrdom of a Romanian Saint (15 August 1714 - 15 August 2014), Târgoviște, 8 April 2014; Constanța, 13 April 2014;

The volumes edited under the aegis of CCSIDSUVT launched so far were donated to county and university libraries of Romania, Romanian cultural centers libraries worldwide, national and academic libraries of the EU member states, Canada, USA and Russia.


Relevant scientific results (projects, ISI, BDI articles, other relevant papers, prizes etc.)

The annual activity reports contain the realizations of each CCSIDSUVT member, which are very numerous. For this reason, they cannot be included in totality in this material. We shall present just a few of the books published:


Acad. Univ. Prof. Dr. Vergatti Radu Ștefan:

-          Nicolae Iorga în arhivele vieneze și ale Siguranței Regale (1903-1914) / Nicolae Iorga in the Viennese and Royal Security Archives, Editura Mica Valahie, Bucharest, 2013, ISBN: 978-606-8304-32-8.



Univ. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe F. Anghelescu:

-      Ο πατέρας Δημήτριος Στανιλοάε – ένας άξιος διάδοχος της κλασικής πατερικής γραμματείας (Βίο‑βιβλιογραφία), translation in Greek by Cristina-Costena Rogobete, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2011, 256 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0635-4, [editorial project of the Administration of the Cultural National Fund];

-      Святой отец Думитру Стэнилоаедостойный наследник класической патристики (Био-библиография), translation in Russian by Georgeta Stoica-Marcu, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2011, 264 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0636-1, [editorial project of the Administration of the Cultural National Fund];

-      *** Dimitrie Cantemir – savant de dimensiune europeană – 300 de ani de la plecarea din domnie. 1711-2011 / Dimitrie Cantemir – an Erudite of European Dimensions. 300 Years Since the End of His Reign, Coordinating editor: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, Editura Mica Valahie, Bucharest, Târgoviște, 2012, 180 p., ISBN 9786068304465, [editorial project of the Administration of the Cultural National Fund];

-      Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae, un urmaș vrednic al patristicii clasice (Bio-Bibliografie) / Father Dumitru Stăniloae, a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics (Bio-Bibliography), revised, updated and completed edition, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013, 180 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0272-1, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      El Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, un digno discípulo de la patrística clásica (Bio-Bibliografia) / Father Dumitru Stăniloae, a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics (Bio-Bibliography), translation into Spanish by Mihaela Şerban, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013, 224 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0284-4, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, un valoroso discepolo della Patristica Classica (Bio-Bibliografia) / Father Dumitru Stăniloae, a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics (Bio-Bibliography), translation into Italian by Nicoleta Presură-Călina in collaboration with Andreea Neață, Ştefania Ţiulescu, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013, 226 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0283-7, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      O Padre Dumitru Stăniloae, Un discípulo digno de la patrística clássica (Bio-Bibliografia) / Father Dumitru Stăniloae, a Worthy Disciple of the Classic Patristics (Bio-Bibliography), translation into Portuguese by Anca Milu-Vaidesegan, Crina Tudor, Mihaela-Cristina Staicu, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 2013, 224 p., ISBN 978-973-45-0305-6, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];


-      *** Patmos”. Review of the Dumitru Stăniloae” Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Center of “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, Coordinating editor: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, CCSIDSUVT, 2013, Issue 1, year I/1, Bucharest-Târgoviște, 2012, 180 p., ISSN 2285-3901/ISSN-L 2285-3901, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      *** Patmos”. Collection of interdisciplinary studies. Edited by the Dumitru Stăniloae” Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Center of “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, Coordinating editor: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, CCSIDSUVT, 2013, Issue 2, year II/1, Bucharest-Târgoviște, 2013, 250 p., ISSN 2285-3901/ISSN-L 2285-3901, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      *** Patmos”. Collection of interdisciplinary studies. Edited by the Dumitru Stăniloae” Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Center of “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, Coordinating editor: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, CCSIDSUVT, 2013, Issue 3, year II/2, Bucharest-Târgoviște, 2013, 260 p., ISSN 2285-3901/ISSN-L 2285-3901, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

-      *** Patmos”. Collection of interdisciplinary studies. Edited by the Dumitru Stăniloae” Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Center of “Valahia” University, Târgoviște, Coordinating editor: Gheorghe F. Anghelescu, CCSIDSUVT, 2013, Issue 4, Year II/3, Bucharest-Târgoviște, 2013, 284 p., ISSN 2285-3901/ISSN-L 2285-3901, [editorial project of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund];

Lecturer Dr. Mihaela Drăghicescu, Univ. Assist. Dr. Maria Petrescu

-      Reforma învățământului între proiectare și realizare (The Reform of Education between Projection and Realization), Editura Didactică și Pedagogică R.A., ISBN 978-973-30-3307-3, 2012.


Fr. Lecturer Dr. Adrian Ignat:

-          Biserica Creștină și provocările economice, vol. I. Perspectivă biblică și patristică (The Christian Church and the Economic Challenges, tome 1, A Biblical and Patristic Perspective), Editura Universitară, Bucharest, 2013, 278 p. (ISBN 978-606-591-614-2; ISBN first volume: 978-606-591-615-9, a printing house accredited by C.N.C.S. –B category);

-          Biserica Creștină și provocările economice, vol. II. O viziune istorică în Biserica creștină (The Christian Church and the Economic Challenges, tome 1, A Historical Vision in the Christian Church), Editura Universitară, Bucharest, 2013, 348 p. (ISBN 978-606-591-614-2; ISBN second volume: 978-606-591-616-6, a printing house accredited by C.N.C.S. –B category).


Reader Dr. Agnes Terezia Erich:

-          Târgoviște - centru tipografic European (Târgovişte – A European Printing Center), Editura Bibliotheca, Târgoviște, 2012, ISBN 978-973-712-741-9;

-          Cultura medievală târgovișteană / Medieval Culture of Târgovişte (co-author), second edition, Editura Transversal, Târgoviște, 2012, ISBN 978-606-605-036-4.





Images from scientific events:




National Conference: Basarabiatrecutprezentviitor

(Bessarabia – Past, Present, Future),
Dealu Monastery, Târgoviște, 22 May 2012




National Seminary: Parteneriatul Stat-Biserică-Societate în România.
Misiunea socială a Bisericii astăzi (The State-Church-Society Partnership in Romania.
The Social Mission of the Church Today), Sinaia, 5-7 June 2013




National Conference: Valoarea culturii și spiritualității românești din Epoca Domnului Constantin Brâncoveanu pentru istoria națională. 300 de ani de la martiriul unui
Sfânt român (15 August 1714 - 15 August 2014
) (The Value of the Romanian Culture and Spirituality of Constantin Brâncoveanu’s Epoch for the National History. 300 Years Since the Martyrdom of a Romanian Saint: 15 August 1714 - 15 August 2014), Constanța, 13 April 2014




Univ. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe F. Anghelescu


Bucharest-Târgoviște, 14 July 2014